

Understanding Cycle Management

CastTime calculates contract guarantees by setting up agreement types either Daily, Hours, Monthly, One Time, Per Episode no Guarantee, Per Episode with Guarantee, or Weekly Guarantee to determine a Talent's weekly pay. 

Each Cycle is managed by the initiating contract signed between the Production Company and the Talent and/or their representation. CastTime captures this information in the Talent Card

Create a Contract

To create a contract, from the Menu, navigate to Talent > Manage Talent Info

Use Quick search to find the talent by first or last name. If the Talent is new, select the Add New button to create it. From the grid, select the pencil icon to open their talent card. 

On the talent card, select the Cycles tab, then click the Add New Agmt button to create a new agreement. 

Once the button is pressed, CastTime will create a new row. Select the check mark, in the row to save the contract.

Create additional contracts as needed, if your cycles will have varying guarantee amounts or agreement types. If you do not need to create any additional contracts, simply end the Contract creation by selecting the "X" on the row or proceed directly to entering cycles on the contract(s) previously created: 

Within the new Contract, create cycles to determine guarantee amounts for the talent: 

Define your agreement type, add notes pertaining to the cycle as necessary, then proceed to enter Start Date, Week Duration, Guarantee, and Amount: 

Verify your work, then select Create New Cycle: 

A display of all Cycles created for this contract will appear: 

Select the Back button to review their contract. CastTime will update the Start and End dates based on the cycles submitted: 


In this article, we created a contract for an existing Talent and submitted new cycles. 
