Navigate to Purchase Credit Memos if you need to credit off a Purchase Invoice that will not credit using the ‘Correct’ functionality. The ‘Correct’ functionality will not work if the posted purchase invoice has been partially refunded or fully paid. This also works for Sales Invoices. Just go to that module and follow the same procedures.
Start a new Purchase Credit Memo.
Drill down on the Vendor Name field and bring in the vendor you need to credit.
Then, choose Actions, Functions, Copy Document.
Fill out this window by drilling down and choosing the Document Type and Document No. Make sure to Include Header and Recalculate Lines are as shown. Click Ok.
This function will bring in the Posted Purchase Invoice as it posted originally. You can either make changes to it or reverse it as it came in. You will need to enter a Vendor Credit Memo number. Post the document to reverse it.
The Copy Document functionality automatically applies the credit to the related invoice you copied from.
Post the credit.
If you need to re-enter the invoice, go to Purchase Invoices, start a new one, and use the same Copy Document functionality to bring in the Purchase Invoice from the Posted Purchase Invoice, modify it as needed (such as adding a Vendor Invoice Number), and post it.